Long Haul Flight Essentials

23 Long Haul Flight Essentials For A Comfortable Journey

If you are about to embark on a wild journey through the clouds, where cramped seats, crying babies, and mediocre airplane food await you – fear not.

We’ve got the ultimate list of essentials to help you conquer the challenges of long-haul flights.

In-Flight Gear

1. Kindle

You will get bored in-flight. Trust me.

Don’t make the mistake I did and have to spend 13hrs without anything to do other than sleep or watch movies.

After the 4th movie you will want to jump off the plane.

Download a few books onto your Kindle – maybe a good novel or an educational book.

Why not be productive and teach yourself something new during this downtime?

2. Noise-cancelling headphones 

Babies cry, old men snore, and there’s bound to be someone coughing up a storm near you.

Do yourself a favor and cancel all the noise with headphones.

3. Memory Foam Travel Pillow

I have tried all kinds of travel pillows but this memory foam travel pillow is the only one that actually lets me sleep comfortably. 

4. USB Phone Charger

Most airplanes (especially on long flights) have a place to plug in a USB.

Make use of your time and charge your phone so you are ready for anything at arrival.

5. Power Bank

Have a fully charged power bank just in case.

Food & Drinks

6. Reusable water bottle

Flights are long and airplane cabins are like a desert.

Keep yourself hydrated (& be environmentally friendly) with a reusable water bottle!

Also, with the new trend of budget airlines and flights, you usually don’t get free water!

Bringing your own will save you TONS of cash.

7. Snacks

Especially if you’re vegan! Avoid unhealthy (& generally gross!) airplane food and bring your own snacks for the flight.

You’ll be happy you have your favorite snack and won’t have after-guilt from eating junk food.

You WILL get hungry no matter how short/long your flight is.

8. Gum

Ah, the pressure changes during takeoff and landing that wreak havoc on our ears!

Combat the discomfort and keep your jaws busy with a pack of your favorite gum.

Plus, it’s a great way to freshen your breath during and after the flight.


9. Thermal Water

Airplane cabins are dry AF so your skin will get greasy.

Bring thermal water in a travel-sized container and use it during the flight.

10. Aloe Vera

Again, desert climate means your skin will be parched.

Avoid recking havoc on your skin by applying Aloe Vera after cleansing.

Aloe Vera helps keep skin hydrated and reduces redness. It is also great for all skin types including sensitive skin and Rosacea!

Bring it in a travel container and keep it in your handbag to reapply whenever your skin feels dry or inflamed.

11. Moisturizer

Bring your preferred, light-weight moisturizer or face oil to keep your skin hydrated. Apply after using Aloe Vera.

12. Lip balm

Opt for a nourishing formula that provides intense hydration, protecting your lips from the harsh cabin air.

13. Sheet Mask

If you feel your skin needs extra moisture, do like the celebrities and bring a face mask.

If it’s good for the Victoria Secret models, it’s good for me.

14. Eye Drops

Dry cabin air can cause eye irritation and discomfort. Carry a small bottle of lubricating eye drops to keep your eyes moisturized and refreshed throughout the flight.

15. Hand Sanitizer

Airplanes are filled with germs, so it’s important to keep your hands clean. Pack a travel-sized hand sanitizer to sanitize your hands before eating or touching your face.

16. Toothpaste & toothbrush

Arm yourself with a travel-sized toothpaste and toothbrush combo to keep your dental hygiene in check.

17. Deodorant

Let’s face it, air travel can make you feel a bit less glamorous and a bit more… well, let’s just say “less than fresh.”

Beat the post-flight odor blues with a travel-sized deodorant that will keep you feeling confident and ready to take on the world (or at least the baggage claim area).

18. Baby wipes

Don’t let the name fool you, these versatile wipes aren’t just for the little ones.

Keep a pack of baby wipes in your carry-on to freshen up during the flight. From wiping your hands to refreshing your face, these magical wipes are like a mini-shower in a convenient package.

19. Hair Ties

Ladies, we all know the struggle of unruly hair during a flight.

Be prepared and avoid looking like you’ve been through a tornado by bringing along a few trusty hair ties.

Whether you prefer a sleek ponytail or a messy bun, these little lifesavers will keep your locks under control while you soar through the skies.


20. Compression Socks

Compression socks help improve blood circulation and reduce leg swelling, making them essential for a comfortable and safe flight.

21. Warm Socks

Airplane cabins can get chilly, so having a pair of warm socks will keep your feet cozy and comfortable.

22. Jacket or Scarf

Bring a jacker or scarf to stay warm and cozy during the flight.

23. A change of clothes and spare underwear

Accidents happen, delays occur, and luggage can go missing.

Prepare for the unexpected by packing a spare set of clothes and fresh underwear in your carry-on.

You’ll thank yourself later when you’re greeted with a canceled flight or a beverage spill mishap.

Freshening up and changing into clean clothes can make you feel like a whole new traveler, ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

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