How To Pack A 7 kg Carry-On Luggage?

How To Pack A 7 kg Carry-On Luggage?

Packing heavy isn’t fun for many reasons.

And although it may take you a while to learn how to pack light easily and effortlessly it is worth it.

5 Things To Keep In Mind When Packing A Carry-On

1. Bring the lightest version of everything.

The same goes for your backpack or suitcase.

Rule #1 is to buy the lightest bag you can for your trips.

I travel with this Pacsafe backpack that fits 3-4 weeks of travel essentials and still qualifies as a free carry-on for budget airlines.

2. Pack the most versatile pieces of clothing.

If you are traveling to a warm destination carry-on packing is easy. Colder destinations packing is always more challenging.

Choose clothes that are multifunctional and can be combined to create different looks for multiple occasions.

Depending on the duration and purpose of your journey, you may need 3-4 t-shirts/shirts/blouses, 2 pairs of shorts, skirts or pants, a dress or two, some underwear and socks. Breathable and lightweight clothing is a must, especially if your destination is the tropics or if you’re going to go hiking on your trip.

Planning your outfits beforehand also helps.

Colors are important too – grey and black are pretty universal. Black also looks classy so it is a perfect color to go out to dinner or a concert.

If you’re packing for a cold weather trip, you’ll also need a couple of cardigans and a jacket.

Some travelers suggest the so-called 1-2-3-4-5-6 rule which means packing the following: 1 hat, 2 pairs of shoes, 3 bottoms, 4 tops, 5 pairs of socks, and 6 pairs of underwear.

No matter how many days your trip will last, limiting yourself to a week’s worth of clothes is ideal. Try and see if it works for you!

Wear your heaviest clothing such as jackets or cardigans on the plane instead of packing them in your suitcase, freeing up valuable space and weight allowance.


A pair of sneakers is essential, no matter where you go.

Almost all minimalist travelers can get by with 2-3 pairs of footwear.

Then, again, it all depends on your destination – if you’re going somewhere warm, you’ll need sandals. And if it’s a fall or winter vacation, you’ll need cold-weather boots.

No matter the weather, though, it is crucial to make sure your shoes are comfortable.

Also, remember to wear heavier shoes and pack lighter ones into your luggage.

3. Think carefully about what to bring.

There are things that you absolutely need for your trip.

Let’s analyze in more detail what you may need for your travels.


Store all liquids in a clear quart size bag so that it is easily accessible when needed at TSA check.

The easiest way to end up with a piece of overweight luggage is by packing toiletries that you won’t even use on your trip. Do not forget about the 100 ml toiletries restrictions on carry-on.

A good option might also be buying toiletries when you reach your travel destination.


If you work remotely, you’ll probably need that too.

4. Buy a handheld luggage scale.

Some people use their bathroom scale to check their baggage weight before their trip. But if you want to be able to find out how much your bag weighs anytime, anywhere, a handheld luggage scale might come in handy.

It is up to you whether to purchase an analog luggage scale or a digital one – both types are reliable, but I personally prefer a digital one.

As soon as you have finished packing your stuff, we strongly suggest you weigh your bag.

If it’s less than 7 kg, well done, congratulations!

But if it’s not…

5. Remove “just-in-case” items.

It took me a while to start packing like a pro. I used to pack and repack my bags several times before the trip. And it’s ok.

So if your bag’s weight is more than 7 kg, do not feel discouraged. Packing like a minimalist takes practice.

Now, think carefully again. Are there items you likely will not need on your trip? An umbrella, or a hairdryer? Remove them from your bag.

Why Travel With A 7 Kg Carry-On Luggage?

It allows you more freedom and flexibility on your journey.

If you travel with carry-on only, it will save you time, money, and, sometimes, the bother. Because those who travel with checked baggage have to wait for it to arrive before they can exit the airport. The luggage can also be delayed, damaged, or lost.

Passengers flying with low-cost carriers typically only get 7 kg of carry-on baggage allowance. While other airlines provide up to 10kg.

This means that if you travel light with no checked bags and take advantage of the 7 kg limit, then you can save money.

That is why it is best for you to have 7 kg (or less) of carry-on.

If you are wondering how much 7 kg is, we can assure you it’s not a lot.

So you will have to choose what to pack wisely.

Final Thoughts And Extra Tips

Every traveler can and should create their own minimalist packing list that suits them best.

This post is just a base to build on depending on your needs. Hopefully, you found it useful!

Here are some more helpful tips for you:

Laying out all of the items you plan on packing might help you think carefully about whether it is worth bringing or not.

Another tip you may appreciate is rolling clothes – it can help maximize space in your carry-on luggage. Using compression bags might be a great idea too.

Also, don’t forget that you always can purchase something if you need it.

When it comes to minimalist packing – less is more! Just make sure whatever items you decide to bring are absolutely necessary for your trip.

Good luck with your packing!

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